
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

  1. Guidelines

For the submission of abstracts, it is required to follow IMRAD guidelines (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion), being able to add sub ​​sections considered relevant. Sending the abstracts according to the following categories are required, with a minimum of 1200 words and a maximum of 1500 in total:


  • TITLE – The name of the work concise and coherent with the purpose of the study.
  • KEYWORDS – Keywords that identify the project. Maximum 5.
  • INTRODUCTION – What is the problem studied, why it is important, and which objectives are aimed to achieve?
  • METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES – How and with what materials did you studied or will study the problem? Approach to the Problem, that is, as the study was conducted, what were the realization of steps, as well as what materials and techniques were used.
  • RESULTS – What was concluded or what is expected?
  • DISCUSSION – What the study contributes or can contribute? Interpretation of results, discussing its effects, impact and significance for knowledge area.
  • REFERENCES – What sources were or will be consulted?


A  single image that does not exceed A4 size at 150 dpi could be added.

Blind review mode, requires the authors do not place their names or the institution they belong to.


  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts by Main Author or Co-Author in the selection phase.
  • All the authors should be declared in the phase of abstract submission.
  • Each selected and published paper must have at least one author with Full Registration.
  • The full registration gives the right to publish the maximum of two papers as Main Author. If there are more than two papers by Main Author with chances of being accepted, the Editorial Committee will select the two with the highest score awarded by the CCI.
  • No limit on number of shares in papers published as Co-author. However, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to question this number if look excessive based on their experience.


Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. It was followed the general guidelines of IMRAD scheme (introduction, Methodologia, Results and Discussion).
  2. This text has not been previously published anywhere else.
  3. If this summary is approved, I undertake to submit the full text within the deadline required by the Congress (September 14) and register and pay the congress comprehensively payment of at least one of the authors.
  4. This submission does not exceed the maximum number of submissions as lead author (that is two).

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.