The chosen theme “Project Information for interaction” reveals one of the most important ways that technology has offered to improve the design process by integrating information into the elements of digital graphic in a parametric way. This integration allows many design professionals to interact on the same model, enabling simulations, materializations, revisions with data more close to the reality, avoiding errors and wastes. Projects with highest social responsibility can be performed by inserting this new way of designing in education and professional practices. So, this conference is dedicated to give time and space for presentations and discussions of researches and experiences in this area applied to the various fields such as Architecture, Urbanism, Design, Animation, Arts, among others.
Looking into another perspective, this issue also brings the concept of Smart Cities, where the provision of information integrated with graphics inserted in the towns components (streets, open areas, buildings and objects), allow more responsible interactions, generating sustainable and collaborative actions among citizens.
- Topics
Recalling that the main theme of the Congress is “Project Information for interaction”, papers can be submitted on the following topics:
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Smart Cities (Smart Cities)
- Digital manufacturing
- Rapid prototyping
- Digital heritage
- Augmented reality
- Interaction design
- Animation
- Interactive Art
- Simulation and Modeling
- Information visualization
- Education
- Generative systems
- Collaborative project
- Robotics

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