Conference Archives
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Centro de Comunicação e Expressão
Depto de Expressão Gráfica
Florianópolis/Santa Catarina, BR
November 23, 2015 – November 27, 2015
The Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics (SIGRADI) brings together architects, designers and artists connected with the new digital media. It is constituted as a partner with similar organizations in Europe (eCAADe), North America (ACADIA), and Asia / Oceania (CAADRIA) and Arab countries and North Africa (ASCAAD).
It holds an annual conference, where the latest applications and possibilities of graphical technology are discussed with the participation of leading international experts.
Eighteen SIGRADI Congresses have been held throughout the Iberoamerican territory. In 2015, the XIX Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics will be based in Florianópolis, Brazil, organized by the Federal University of Santa Catarina as an initiative of Postgraduate and Undergraduate courses of Architecture (PÓSARQ and ARQ) as well as Design (PósDesign and Design).

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